About school
Who We Are
Our Mission
Our Vision
The Man, The Treasure, and The Field
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
The Revival School story unfolds in 2016, with Udy and his wife, Emo, on a ministry trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, with Randy Clark and Bill Johnson ministering. On this trip, Udy purchased the Hosting The Presence curriculum pack by Bill Johnson, and discussed with Bill about reviewing the curriculum in small groups upon his return to Nigeria.
He returned to Nigeria and hosted a number of his friends weekly in his living room to share the Hosting the Presence pack and teachings on the 7 mountains.
Facilitated by Udy, what began as a small group of about 10 friends meeting weekly for 8 weeks, soon grew into 3 meeting cohorts a week (twice on Saturdays and once on Sundays) with about 25 people in each cohort.
Udy went on his first missionary trip to Bangkok, Thailand and Singapore.
The House of Prayer was established and became a location for the Hosting the presence course.
Udy made his first trip to Bethel Church in Redding, California to attend the BSSM School Planting conference for school leaders and learned about planting and leading schools.
Udy and friends went on their second missionary trip for kingdom invasion held by Cornerstone Community Church in Singapore.
Udy once again visited Bethel for a Leaders conference, and was introduced to the mirror activation concept as one of the ways to receive emotional healing from past hurts and pains, and this concept was subsequently added to the HTP curriculum. He had previously completed classes on Physical Healing, Inner Healing, and Raising the Dead with Randy Clark at Global Awakening, so these gave him the opportunity to put to practise what he had learnt.
What To Expect
Experience the presence of Holy Spirit, abundant joy through sonship with the Father, and a culture of honour, vulnerability, purity, and boldness to pursue and steward encounters through the power of God.
Revival Groups (RGs)
Everyone is seen, heard, and loved, and we facilitate this through small Revival Groups of 14 students max. RGs are led by past graduates of TRS and meet weekly to foster community, instil core values, and take risks in the supernatural.
Academic Life
We combine both theoretical and practical teachings and assignments to create a holistic revival experience for students. Our culture of responsibility emphasises the importance of students' commitment. Here, faith is spelt as risk.
Is The Revival School For Me?
TRS is designed to awaken, train, and launch students to walk in their identity as Sons, boldly stoke revival everywhere, and uphold the values of the kingdom of God. It is an intense experience that positions you for more!
With at least 4 hours of teaching on Saturdays, 2 hours weekly RG meetings, 1 hour on assignments, and individual outreaches every week, TRS is extremely fast-paced and not for the fainthearted. Commitment of your time, participation, and presence are key.
TRS is not a first time believers class or an evangelical platform to convert new souls. We expect high standards of excellence and responsibility in students’ behaviour, and in their relations with one another. Our focus is to fan already burning flames into wildfires.
Raising Marketplace Revivalists

The Revival School
We believe that people spend more time in places outside of the physical church, and our goal is to transfer the culture of the Kingdom into the realities of everyday living.