Stoking revival everyday everywhere

Sustaining revival culture through connection and community

Connect with us.

Dear Alumni, we are excited to connect with you! Check out our monthly newsletters where you’ll get to hear about upcoming events all around the world, courses, and mission trips.

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The Revival Collective

A quarterly online meeting to connect and receive teachings from the Word of God, do some ministry time as a community with ministers from Bethel Church, Redding.

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Revival In the City

Discover and engage with alumni in your city. We are excited about our global alumni network, and to make it even more accessible to you, we have designated passionate alumni as regional points of contact across the world. These communities are here to foster a sense of engagement and closeness with you no matter where you are. There will be regular physical meetings as well as treasure hunts collectively in these areas.

Collective Conversations

Join us bi-monthly for fun and engaging conversations with alumni on various topics ranging from family, faith, enterprise, art, and so much more.

TRS Alumni Events


Fanning the flames is a self-paced online program designed to help TRS Alumni build a bridge from school to your next season. We encourage you to sustain your intimacy with the Lord, and empower you to bring revival in the sphere of influence you are called to and to your everyday lives.

Shop our Merch

Our passion is to equip and deploy revivalists who relentlessly pursue transformation in their God-given spheres of influence. Shop our revival-themed products here.

The power of your testimony

We would love to hear what God is doing in your life after school and see Him do it again (Revelation 19:10)! To share your testimony with other alumni and possibly see it featured in our newsletter, email us at [email protected]. To hear testimonies of some of our alumni, click learn more.

Coming Soon

Hi there, we are excited to announce that something amazing is on the way! Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for your patience! We can’t wait to share what we have in store for you!